i was eating and finished eating.. wanted to wash my hands.. and something came into my mind.
What if members2 tgl samer2..and things didnt go well....
1st scenario:
"chibai sape makan tak tau nk cuci pinggan saaaaaaakkk..!*big pile of plates*" "oh nari faris nye turn cuci... die lom balek keje" and maybe Sahlan or Arai would come and do the job... dunnoe why these two but.. they seem to fit into it...
2nd Scenario would be:
"buto sape abeskan packet maggi aku sak...bustert sak korang.."
or another classic scenario:
"this month kau nye turn bayar api air" "siak je... kau yang dlm toilet berendam pakai air banyak.. buto.giler*tone zul*"
and another:
this really happened eh guys..serious shit.. kat chalet kenceng tk flush.. tu tkpe, bersepah plak tu..